Spring break is an excellent time for kids to get outside, relax with family, and enjoy the Easter holiday. After taking the long break, however, it can be hard for students to get back into the daily grind of classes, homework, and exams. Read on to learn how you can help your children regain their focus post spring break.
- Break Up the Homework
It can be helpful to break up any homework assignments the first week back to school. You may give your little one a half hour to play outside before beginning their math homework. After the math homework is finished, provide another 30-minute break. Continue with science and repeat breaks in between each subject until the homework is completed.
- Use a Checklist
A checklist is a great tool to motivate a student to finish their assignments. Have the child write out what they need to accomplish that day and then mark off each task as it is completed. Place a sticker on the page to reward younger students of a job well done. Older students will naturally feel a sense of accomplishment when they add that last check mark to their list.
- Incorporate Additional Material
Make going back to school fun by finding out what your child is studying. Look for activities and experiments that you can incorporate at home to reinforce what is being taught at school. For example, if your student is learning about volcanoes, you can lead them in making a volcano model that erupts after combining vinegar and baking soda in its center!
- Plan A Future Activity or Trip
Give your kids something to work toward, like a future activity or trip. Let them know that now is the time to buckle-down on their studies, but in the near future they will get a chance to run free. This may be an outing to a nearby aquarium, a weekend camping trip, or a vacation to Disney World.
Private elementary schools teachers are excited to help students switch gears from spring break back to daily learning activities. Contact Lake Forrest Prep if you’d like to learn more.