It’s here! All of their studying and hard work has paid off; your child is graduating from eighth grade! This is a big moment that deserves to be celebrated. Lake Forrest Prep, a private school in Orlando, has some tips to help you get ready for graduation.
Commemorate the Moment
Eighth-grade graduation is a big deal! The official start of high school is right around the corner, so take some time to remember and reflect on this moment. Turn your memories into a keepsake, and schedule a photo shoot with a professional photographer. You can take photos at locations that played an important role in your child’s life during middle school. Great location ideas include soccer fields, basketball courts, and the school itself!
Celebrating Accomplishments
Your child only graduates eighth-grade once, so why not celebrate? Get family and friends together for a big bash! While the day of graduation is a popular time to party, consider having your party the weekend after graduation. Set up a photo booth, have a canvas attendees can sign, and load up on soda and chips. Don’t forget to create a hashtag! When guests post pictures, they can use the right #graduationhashtag. With a hashtag, your child will easily be able to look back on their grad bash.
Plan for the Future
With graduation over, it can be easy to forget about your child’s responsibilities. But high school is right around the corner! Help your child spend the summer preparing for the next four years. Look over their class options and help them select classes that match their desired career. If they’re unsure, spend the summer encouraging them to explore different areas of study. You never know what they’ll wind up loving! Additionally, look into the extracurricular activities the high school offers. You don’t want to miss tryouts!
With these tips from Lake Forrest Prep, a private school in Orlando, in mind, high school will be smooth sailing. For more tips on preparing for high school, how to make learning educational, and making the transition back to school, check out our blog.