Everyone is sitting around the dining room table, bellies full of delicious turkey, decadent gravy, and scrumptious mashed potatoes when someone pipes up and asks “What are you thankful for this year?” Finding just one thing to be thankful for this year can be difficult — especially if it’s not something you think about on a day-to-day basis. But being thankful for the big (and little!) things in your life is important and can help you appreciate what you have. Orlando, Florida private schools can help you encourage thankfulness year-round with these tips.

Thankful Moments
Your family sits down to dinner every night. While you discuss the news, what you did that day, and what’s coming up, why not ask everyone one thing they’re thankful for that day? Incorporating this Thanksgiving tradition into your every day can help your children find a bright, sunny spot in every single day. As time goes on, it will become easier and easier to name the things they’re thankful for.

Thank You Notes
With texts and emails dominating our day-to-day, getting snail mail has become a treat. Have your kids write notes of appreciation and send them in the mail. If your child is too young to write, have them draw a picture instead. Rather than just writing thank you notes for gifts, thank people for the difference they make in your life! Thank the babysitter for always having the best snacks, send your grandmother a card to let her know you’re thinking of her, or thank the postman for always delivering the mail. Not only will your children learn to appreciate and value the people in their life, but the recipient is sure to appreciate the card as well!

Family First
We often take those we live with for granted. It can be expected that a certain person does the dishes every night or that someone always takes out the trash, and we can forget to say thank you for that. Start at home by saying thank you for the little things. Whether it’s someone cleaning their room, feeding the dog, or folding the laundry, you can instill the idea that “thank you” is not only for the big moments but for everyday life.
By reflecting on what you and your children have to be thankful for, you can nurture a sense of gratitude that your children will appreciate every day. To learn more about how to encourage your children to be their best selves, take a look at Lake Forrest Prep’s — one of Orlando, Florida private schools — blog.