As we adjust to social distancing, you and your entire family may be experiencing a bit of cabin fever. Luckily, there are plenty of fun and exciting ways to spend your time inside! From exploring the world around you through virtual experience to piling on the couch for a movie marathon, Lake Forrest Prep, a private school in Orlando, has plenty of ideas to keep you and your family entertained.

Virtual Field Trip
You may not be able to leave the house, but there’s plenty you can do and see from your couch! Experience the Orange County Regional History Center through their history at home program. From virtual exhibits to lessons to coloring, there’s plenty of educational ways to entertain your child and learn about your own town! If you’re looking for science experiments to take over the kitchen with, check out the Orlando Science Center. At home activities include videos, science experiments, and even allows you to bring the Dr. Phillips CineDome home with you!
Movie Marathon
Life lately has been a little crazy, and sometimes, we need a break. There’s no better time for a family movie marathon! Once everyone is dressed in their favorite, comfiest pajamas, pile on the couch, and let the fun begin. Disney+ offers every Disney movie under the sun, while Netflix has an entire channel dedicated to family-friendly fun. Many kids movies, such as “Trolls 2,” “Onward,” and “Frozen II,” have hit streaming platforms early. So pop the popcorn, grab some candy, and venture into the unknown.

Board Game Battles
Who has time for an entire game of Monopoly? Well, now you do! From Monopoly to Life to Connect 4, there are plenty of board games you may have forgotten you even own. Break them out for some friendly rivalry. You can even keep track of who has won the most games!
Switch It Up
The Nintendo Switch is a revolutionary gaming platform; it engages multiple players, gets you off of your feet, and has brought new life to classic games. Have an all out brawl in Super Smash Brothers, start a friendly competition with Mario Party, race to the finish line with Mario Kart, or even just visit each other’s houses on Animal Crossing! The Nintendo Switch is a great indoor activity that can engage the entire family.
While you may be stuck inside, there’s no reason to be bored! Indoor activity offer plenty you can do and experience — right from the comfort of your own home! To learn more about how Lake Forrest Prep, a private school in Orlando, is making the transition to distance learning, check your email daily.