So many kids seem to lose a lot of information over the summer because of the long break from school. In fact, research suggests that children lose 2.6 months of math knowledge during the summer. Orlando private school, Lake Forrest Prep, offers some suggestions so that your child’s mind remains sharp and ready for the first day of school.
- Create Their Own Business: A creative math lesson for all ages involves your child creating their own business, be it a classic lemonade stand or making and selling brownies.
- Pick Your Produce: When at the grocery store, have your child select your produce for you and tell you about the different shapes and colors they find.
- Chore Charts: Keep your home clean and teach your child responsibility by using a chore chart. Reward your child every time they complete a chore.
- Explore Nature: Have fun outside while teaching your child more about the sights found in nature.
- Prepare for Jobs: Get your teenagers ready for adulthood by having them practice writing resumes or getting a volunteer job.
- Learn a New Skill: Make sure to keep a child’s brain engaged this summer by teaching them how to draw, play sports, etc.
- Start a Travel Journal: Travel journals keep kids on top of their geography knowledge as well as writing skills.
- Read: A classic summer activity is keeping up on reading. Create a list of books your child has read and reward them for each completed book.
Some children may have trouble with information in school after a long and lazy summer. All of these tips will help your child be more prepared for going back to Orlando private school, Lake Forrest Prep. For more ideas on how to help your child retain everything he or she learned the previous year, browse Lake Forrest’s Prep’s blogs.