SAT 10 Testing

On Monday, April 8th, our Kindergarten through Middle School students began their standardized testing with the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT). Achievement testing with a nationally normed achievement test, the SAT 10, evaluates the success of the curriculum, the staff, and the students with nationwide standards, not just the standards of Florida (FCAT). Annual testing at every grade level, kindergarten through middle school, provides regular, consistent, and valuable information about Lake Forrest Prep, effectiveness of the curriculum, and the individual student’s progress.

The information obtained from the test results is usually a direct reflection of that particular child in the classroom on a regular basis. This is valuable information because Lake Forrest Preparatory School does not put pressure on the students or staff to prepare for this test. The staff is provided with the carefully selected curriculum and any materials necessary to implement the curriculum. Research shows that if the curriculum is taught with integrity by effective teachers, the students will perform to their highest potential.

We encourage our parents to ensure students are at their best during testing by getting them to bed at a good time each night, preparing nutritious meals and snacks, and arriving to school on time.

If you have any questions regarding SAT testing, please contact our principal, Michele Purvis, at

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