Reminders for Families to Prevent Back-to-School Sicknesses

Reminders for Families to Prevent Back-to-School Sicknesses

School is back in session! But, it’s not only your kids that are back in the classroom; the germs are too. Kids are more likely to get sick when they’re in school, meaning the rest of your family is at higher risk as well. Here are some reminders for your family to prevent back-to-school sicknesses.

Understand How Germs Spread

Germs are spread when you touch a surface carrying germs, then touch your face or another surface without washing your hands. Touchpoints like doorknobs, light switches, handrails, countertops, tables, electronic devices, and shared toys all carry germs. Touching them can cause the germs to spread. Of course, you can’t avoid touching these objects altogether, but you can wash your hands after coming in contact with them to prevent the spread of germs.

Practice Good Hygiene Habits

There are various hygiene habits your family should practice to keep sickness at bay. Make sure you practice the proper handwashing technique: scrub hands thoroughly with warm water and soap for twenty seconds (long enough to sing the ABCs), rinse, then fully dry hands with a paper towel. It’s important to wash your hands regularly throughout the day before you eat and after touching commonly used surfaces, using the bathroom, coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose.

Refrain from touching or itching your face, eyes, nose, or mouth, especially before washing your hands. This is how germs spread to your body. Always cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing to prevent the spread of airborne germs to others. Lastly, stay away from people who are sick to keep yourself safe from catching any illnesses. 

Take Care of Your Immune System 

Make sure your family stays up-to-date on their immunizations. Vaccines help your immune system build antibodies to fight illnesses when you come in contact with them. It’s also important to give your body all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and prevent sickness. Prioritize eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water. Make sure to spend time outside and get some physical activity. Also, focus on getting good sleep. A rested, healthy body is more equipped to fight against germs.

Stay Home When You’re Sick

We know missing school is no fun, but it’s important to stay home if you’re sick. Staying home when you’re sick helps prevent the spread of sickness to other people and gives your body a chance to rest. A good rule of thumb for knowing when to return to school is if your child is free of symptoms for at least 24 hours. 

Staying healthy and sickness-free ensures a great school year ahead! At Lake Forrest Prep, we prioritize our students’ health and wellbeing, and are dedicated to creating a safe environment for your children to learn and grow.