How to Strengthen Math Skills at Home

Many Orlando private school parents feel intimidated by math and become incapable of teaching their children simple concepts like addition and subtraction.  They do not look at life’s everyday functions as math-related, simply because these ideas were never presented to them that way.  However, parents are more than capable of enhancing number skills while performing everyday activities with their children.…

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Benefits of a School Uniform

Although there are many debates pertaining to the necessity of school uniforms in Orlando private schools and private schools around the country, many benefits have been identified. The simplest benefit may be the fact that the student and parent both benefit from not having to debate about what will be worn to school that day. Mornings are busy enough, especially…

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Parent Classroom Overviews

Be sure to mark your calendars for your child’s Parent Classroom Overview.  During the 2nd and 3rd weeks of school, parents are invited to spend an hour with their child’s teacher to learn more about the upcoming school year.   In a relaxed and informal setting, parents and teachers can easily discuss important information regarding the curriculum, routines, and expectations for their…

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Boosterthon Fun Run

We’re excited to kick off our school year with the Boosterthon Fun Run fundraiser.  The goal of the Boosterthon Fun Run is to raise funds for our school while also teaching our kids about the importance of Fitness, Leadership, and Character. It educates students on the importance of a healthy lifestyle which helps to prevent childhood obesity.  Our goal is…

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