Play Ball! Why Your Child Should Be Playing Sports
Play Ball! Why Your Child Should Be Playing Sports

Between the television, cell phones, and the newest video game console, screens are everywhere. This seems normal for our children who have grown up around technology, but getting off the sofa is still an important part of childhood. Lake Forrest Prep, a private school in Orlando, wants you to know why your child should be playing sports. Self-Esteem Athletics help…

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Bringing Biology Back: 3 Science Experiments
Bringing Biology Back: 3 Science Experiments

Biology is a fascinating subject that your child can study in depth at their Orlando private school. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to get them excited about science right at home! With a little creativity and planning, you’ll be able to conduct experiments from the comfort of your own kitchen to help get your child ready for science…

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4 Tips for Staying Healthy
4 Tips for Staying Healthy

The school year brings fun and countless opportunities for your child to learn at their private school in Orlando. However, it also brings with it the increased risk of colds, flu, and viruses. Nothing takes the wind out of your child’s sails like catching a cold in the middle of the school week! Luckily, there are a few simple things…

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Asking Good Questions
Asking Good Questions

Kids are naturally inquisitive. It seems like there’s almost always a new question on their minds, whether they’re at home or attending class at their Orlando private school! Though their enthusiasm for learning helps them create questions seemingly out of nowhere, those questions may not always be formed in a way that will fully satisfy their curiosity. Asking good questions…

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Teaching Responsibility
Teaching Responsibility

As a parent, you strive to teach your child life lessons and values that will help them become the best person they can be. While helping them recognize the importance of rules and teaching them how to behave at their private school in Orlando is certainly important, teaching them responsibility is just as vital. Teaching children responsibility can be a…

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The Importance of Civic Values
The Importance of Civic Values

It’s hard to believe that the November elections are just around the corner. As adults, we understand the importance of doing our civic duty and participating in the government to the best of our abilities. However, for your kids attending private schools in Orlando, the concept of civic values and duties can seem a bit abstract. It’s important for every…

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