5 Ways to Help Your Child Keep Track of Their Belongings

Although it’s frustrating when your child forgets to bring their lunch box home from school or when they lose their shoes for the 15th time, it’s important to know that this is common among children who are going through a transition period. Instead of punishing your kids, here are five tips to help your children start keeping track of their…

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How to Have Stress-Free School Mornings

Mornings during the school year can seem especially hectic. Waking up the kids, getting them to eat breakfast quickly, and searching for that lost shoe often leave parents and children feeling a bit stressed out. We understand how important it is to start your day off on the right foot. Below are a few suggestions that will help your family…

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How to Improve Childhood Education Outside of School

The importance of education reaches far beyond the classroom. Children start learning from the second they arrive in the world. They learn your faces, they learn their ABC’s, and they learn to count. Slowly but surely, your child is ready to take on the world. But, not without reinforcement in school and at home. The Orlando private school experts are…

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Engaging Books to Read with Your Child

As apps and iPads take over the world, reading can easily become one of the hobbies pushed under the rug. It’s sometimes easier to give your child an educational game to play or to place them in front of the TV to watch Barney. Private schools in Orlando, on the other hand, encourage reading with your children instead. Although schedules…

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STEM Crafts Perfect For Your Prep Student

We all know most kids hate homework. Learning? Forget about it. Although most fun activities only border educational, there are some specific crafts that your child can create with education at the forefront of their minds. These crafts that incorporate STEM learning are perfect for any future scientist, mathematician, or engineering buff attending Orlando private schools. Bath Bombs This doubles…

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3 Ways to Learn Outside of the Classroom

Teaching children is not always an easy task. It’s important, as a parent, to reinforce what your child is learning inside the classroom at home. This doesn’t have always have to be something specific, there are plenty of small ways to ensure your child is taking what they learn and incorporating it into their everyday life. The Orlando Private School,…

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Weekend Activities That Can Help Refresh Your Child’s Brain

It was only a few months ago that the students of the Orlando Private School, Lake Forrest Prep, were dismissed to enjoy fun under the sun. Hopefully, what they had learned from the previous school year was not forgotten the moment they stepped off the campus. Here are a few ways to sneak in some lessons to help them freshen…

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Determining Goals for the Next School Year
Determining Goals for the Next School Year

As your child gets older, it becomes more and more important for them to learn how to set proper goals. When your child is younger, this is easy to reinforce with simple projects around the house. Orlando private schools believe every student should understand the importance of setting specific, measurable, achievable, reliable, and timely goals. At-Home Goal Tally Setting your…

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Back to School is the Perfect Time for a Course in Money
Back to School is the Perfect Time for a Course in Money

No matter what age your child is, it’s important for them to learn the value and the responsibility that comes with having money. Whether this means saving for something they want, or learning how to shop for bargains and learn commitment, teaching your child while they’re young can save them money and teach them skills in the long run. Orlando…

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