Help Your Child Focus Their Thinking

Holding a conversation with a young child sometimes requires a balance of mental acuity and great deduction.  Within three sentences you may hear about dinosaurs, yesterday’s lunch, and their best friend.  Trying to figure out speech patterns when no segues exist is often so perplexing it requires in-depth questions and outright guesses.  If this conundrum sounds familiar, read on to…

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Steps to Bring Out the Creative Writer in Our Children

Many children are born storytellers, filling days with creative play and interesting conversations to the delight of their families, friends, and Orange County private school instructors.  However, writing these ideas on paper often proves to be more of a challenge than many students realize.  Oftentimes, stories are created for family members who are keenly aware of all occurrences in that…

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Myths Busted: Paying for Private School

The much-anticipated phone call has arrived – your child has been accepted to attend the Orlando private school of your choice!  After the initial ebullient feeling, realization creeps in:  how are you going to pay the fees for the outstanding private school education your child will receive?  To reduce the amount of stress and reservations concerning paying private school fees,…

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Should You Send Your Child to Private School?

In a country where public education is free, many parents find it difficult to recognize the benefits in enrolling their children in Orange County private schools, especially in today’s economy.  Researching your options to make an informed decision is important, and understanding what a private school can offer will give a clear indication as to how an initial expenditure in…

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Higher Teacher Satisfaction in Private Schools is Good for Student Achievement

I had the distinct pleasure of attending Disney’s MGM Studios (now Hollywood Studios) opening week in 1989.  It was incredible how excited the actors were at each exhibit, and it increased the enjoyment level of all members of my family.  Their enthusiasm was contagious, and I could not wait to return. As this example proves, enthusiastic employees tend to affect…

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Private School Students are Prepared for Higher Education

When parents decide to place their children in an Orlando private school for elementary education, their first thought does not generally concern whether their child will complete an advanced university degree.  However, recent research has shown a strong correlation between private school education and attendance at a college and/or university along with completion of a bachelor’s degree or higher at…

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Parental Involvement Positively Impacts Student Achievement

Education begins at home.  You have undoubtedly heard this phrase repeatedly throughout life, and it rings true on every note.  Once your child reaches school age, your involvement in his or her Orlando private school life will highly influence academic success in the future.  Recently, the University of New Hampshire researched the role parents play in the involvement of their…

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