Back to School is the Perfect Time for a Course in Money
Back to School is the Perfect Time for a Course in Money

No matter what age your child is, it’s important for them to learn the value and the responsibility that comes with having money. Whether this means saving for something they want, or learning how to shop for bargains and learn commitment, teaching your child while they’re young can save them money and teach them skills in the long run. Orlando…

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Enrich Your Child’s Summer at These Orlando Attractions

Summer time means having fun, but who said that your summertime fun can’t teach your students as well? When the kids aren’t in their Orlando private school each day, they need more experiences to appease their curiosity and natural tendency to learn. We’ve compiled a list of attractions here in Orlando for you and your kids to enjoy. Our Body…

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Celebrate Fourth of July With These 3 Activities

It’s almost Independence Day! In 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, and each year since, we’ve celebrated the United States of America. Since the kids aren’t in their Orlando private school during this summer break, there is definitely room for some fun and educational activities that commemorate this important holiday. From crafts to science experiments, there is…

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4 Signs Lake Forrest Prep is the School for You

There are few decisions more important than what school your children will attend. When looking through the options for Orlando private schools, the task of choosing the right one may seem daunting and the responsibility frightening. To ease your search, here are a few signs that indicate you should consider Lake Forrest Prep for your child’s education. You’re not looking…

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