The Power of Preschool for Growth

Lake Forrest Prep is proud to offer a preschool program that gives children the opportunity to explore a variety of academic, creative, and physical education subjects. Research shows that students who attend high-quality preschool programs reap benefits that last throughout their schooling career.  Pre-K teaches children how to learn.  Preschool is one of the first environments students ever have that…

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All About Our Extracurriculars
All About Our Extracurriculars

After a tumultuous 2020, Lake Forrest Prep is proud to announce that our extracurricular activities are returning! We love how after school activities develop our student body, and we’re excited to add more as the year progresses. For now, here’s more information about the current offerings:  Book Club Is your child a bookworm? The LFP Book Club is the perfect…

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Resetting the School Routine
Resetting the School Routine

After a challenging 2020, getting back to in-person lessons can feel jarring to some students. A lack of routine can lead to cranky kids, refusal to leave the house, and even a twinge of separation anxiety. At Lake Forrest Prep, we want to help children (and parents) have a smooth transition back to school. Here are some of our favorite…

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Common Mistakes Young Scientists Make
Common Mistakes Young Scientists Make

The sciences are complex, challenging and exciting areas of study. However, some kids (and adults) can get tripped up in scientific thinking. The next time you look over your child’s science homework, here are some mistakes you can keep an eye out for.  Using the wrong keywords From “particle” to “cumulonimbus clouds,” each science discipline comes with a unique set…

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