Social Media Safety
Social Media Safety

In the midst of social distancing and online learning, there’s been a rush to social media to stay updated with family, chat with friends, and stay connected to the world around us. For your child, you’re glad that they have this ability to stay so close with their classmates, but you’re worried about their safety while they explore the online…

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Growing a Garden
Growing a Garden

With the hot summer months finally upon us, and more time spent at home than we could have ever wished for, we’re all looking for some new activities to occupy the time. Why not consider gardening? This family-friendly hobby is a great way to get outside, get messy, and at the end of the day be able to, quite literally,…

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Calming Anxiety
Calming Anxiety

Unprecedented times have increased almost everyone’s worries, and your child is not immune to feeling anxious. However, learning to recognize the signs of anxiety and teaching your child effective coping mechanisms can greatly reduce the stress that anxiety can cause.  Signs of Anxiety Anxiety often presents differently in children than it does in adults. Signs in children include: Difficulty concentrating…

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Indoor Activities
Indoor Activities

As we adjust to social distancing, you and your entire family may be experiencing a bit of cabin fever. Luckily, there are plenty of fun and exciting ways to spend your time inside! From exploring the world around you through virtual experience to piling on the couch for a movie marathon, Lake Forrest Prep, a private school in Orlando, has…

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Virtual Playdates
Virtual Playdates

Your child spent the entire school year cultivating friendships. While we have switched our classes to distance learning, there’s no reason your child can’t still have play dates — at least virtual ones! Virtual playdates, typically conducted through a video chat, are a great way to encourage your child to maintain their friendships, build their social skills, and stay connected!…

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Everyday Math
Everyday Math

Whether you’re grocery shopping, in the kitchen, or even planning your day, you are using math. Lake Forrest Prep, an Orlando private school, encourages you to teach your child to see the world around them as numbers. In the Kitchen In every meal, recipe, and family dinner, you use units of measurement to help you create a delicious meal. Bring…

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Snack Attack
Snack Attack

When you’re stuck inside all day, you may find yourself on repeat trips to the pantry for a quick handful of pretzels, just one bite of a cookie, or a small serving of chips. Your kids aren’t immune to boredom snacking either! Instead of breaking into your quarantine snacks all at once, prepare some of these healthy foods that can…

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Sick Days
Sick Days

Sick days, unfortunately, happen. While you may want to push your child to go to school, it’s important that they get their rest in order to get healthy. Lake Forrest Prep, a private school in Orlando, wants you to be prepared when your child comes down with a cold.  Ease Their Symptoms When your child has a cold, it can…

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